Friday, 1 May 2009

Chinese is as easy as one, two, three!

Chinese characters can be easy if you know how to study them and where to start. So let's begin with something really easy - one, two, three.

一二三 yī èr sān

Some of the other numbers are easy to learn too:

七 qī is like an upside down number seven and that's what it means.
means eight.

The numbers one to ten are as follows, but don't worry if some of them look difficult I'm going to help you.
一二三四五六七八九十 èr sān liù jiǔ shí

一 one

二 two

三 three

四 four - draw a square and then draw a pair of curtains inside it. Actually the curtains are another character 儿 ér

五 five - you may notice that this character is made up of 5 straight lines and it looks a bit like the number 5.

六 six

七 seven

八 eight - easy

九 nine. Actually there's another character
which means strength. Compare these two characters and what do you notice? The hook on the right is reflected, right?

十 ten - easy, it's just a cross.

Look at the characters for six and eight. What do you notice? The bottom part of the character for six liù is the same as the character for eight bā. The top part of the character 亠is a radical and occurs in numerous characters so it's well worth learning that too.

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